
Non-Food Life Essentials | Goal of $50,000

Have you ever experienced having to choose between laundry soap or food? Have you ever had to get through your cycle without feminine hygiene products? Hopefully, you have not.

However, as we participated in the Essentials First pilot program over the past year, it has made us aware of the severity of our community struggling to meet these basic needs. Many must choose between food and feeling clean.

Examples of non-food life essential items such as laundry detergent, toothpaste, dish soap, toilet paper, cleaning supplies, feminine hygiene products, etc.

An example of this program in action is when Big Lake Elementary School contacted the Helping Hands Solutions Team with the need for feminine hygiene products, deodorant, and bar soap for their students. Because of community donors, we could fulfill their request to get needed non-food essential items to the students.

We present you with an opportunity; by supporting our Non-Food Life Essentials program, you can remove the stress of choosing between essential needs being met or food being on the table and empower our community. Helping Hands and our participants need you to keep this program going due to the community having a greater need than what the Essentials First pilot program can currently provide.

What is in a Life Essentials Bag? (One family = 4 people on avg.):
• Feminine Hygiene • Toilet Paper • Paper Towels • Cleaning Spray • Body Soap • Baby Wipes

• Deodorant • Toothbrushes • Toothpaste • Laundry Soap • Diapers (if needed) • Choice of Misc. items

Here are ways you can help:
Yearly: $1,000 supports 100 families a year
Semi-Annually: $500 supports 100 families a year
Monthly: $75 supports 90 families a year
One-Time: $50 supports 5 families for the month